DEMING – In a disturbing incident that unfolded in the 900 block of Santa Fe Street, 28-year-old Rene Saenz was apprehended by Deming Police on charges of three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, possession of a firearm by a felon, and on an Adult Probation and Parole Department warrant for probation violations.
Deming Interim Chief Jose Montoya, provided details to Deming Radio News, recounting that the incident occurred when three men in their 20s entered a trailer park to pick up a fourth man. While waiting, Saenz emerged from a trailer, initiating a confrontation by threatening and ordering the three men to leave the premises.
According to police reports, tensions escalated when Saenz brandished a weapon and pointed it menacingly at the trio. Fearing for their safety, the men promptly left the area and dialed 911 to report the incident.
Deming Police swiftly responded to the emergency call, arriving at the scene to find Saenz still present. The law enforcement officers conducted a successful arrest without further incident.
The charges against Saenz include three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, reflecting the severity of the threat posed by his actions. Additionally, Saenz faces charges of possession of a firearm by a felon, further compounding the legal consequences he may confront.
Authorities have revealed that Saenz was also wanted on an Adult Probation and Parole Department warrant for probation violations, indicating a pre-existing legal situation that has now been exacerbated by recent events.
In other arrests:
Charles Haynes 72, was arrested on a Deming Municipal Court warrant for failure to appear… Matthew Schnarre 25, of Lake Wales, Florida was arrested for aggravated DWI… David Remondini 37, was arrested for careless driving… Derrick Rice 44, was arrested on a Luna County Magistrate Court warrant for failure to appear… Elieser Arvizo 28, of Columbus, NM, was arrested on an arrest warrant… Brian Huckabay 19, was arrested for aggravated fleeing from law enforcement officers… Arthur Ochoa 49, was arrested for shoplifting and conspiracy…
Jackie Paul 36, of Las Cruces, was arrested for disorderly conduct and trespassing… Lori Lee 41, was arrested on a Luna County Magistrate Court warrant for failure to comply with conditions of release… Alejandro Ortega 36, who was already incarcerated in the Luna County Detention Center was served an additional warrant from Colorado for aggravated sexual battery.
Deming Interim Chief Jose Montoya, provided details to Deming Radio News, recounting that the incident occurred when three men in their 20s entered a trailer park to pick up a fourth man. While waiting, Saenz emerged from a trailer, initiating a confrontation by threatening and ordering the three men to leave the premises.
According to police reports, tensions escalated when Saenz brandished a weapon and pointed it menacingly at the trio. Fearing for their safety, the men promptly left the area and dialed 911 to report the incident.
Deming Police swiftly responded to the emergency call, arriving at the scene to find Saenz still present. The law enforcement officers conducted a successful arrest without further incident.
The charges against Saenz include three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, reflecting the severity of the threat posed by his actions. Additionally, Saenz faces charges of possession of a firearm by a felon, further compounding the legal consequences he may confront.
Authorities have revealed that Saenz was also wanted on an Adult Probation and Parole Department warrant for probation violations, indicating a pre-existing legal situation that has now been exacerbated by recent events.
In other arrests:
Charles Haynes 72, was arrested on a Deming Municipal Court warrant for failure to appear… Matthew Schnarre 25, of Lake Wales, Florida was arrested for aggravated DWI… David Remondini 37, was arrested for careless driving… Derrick Rice 44, was arrested on a Luna County Magistrate Court warrant for failure to appear… Elieser Arvizo 28, of Columbus, NM, was arrested on an arrest warrant… Brian Huckabay 19, was arrested for aggravated fleeing from law enforcement officers… Arthur Ochoa 49, was arrested for shoplifting and conspiracy…
Jackie Paul 36, of Las Cruces, was arrested for disorderly conduct and trespassing… Lori Lee 41, was arrested on a Luna County Magistrate Court warrant for failure to comply with conditions of release… Alejandro Ortega 36, who was already incarcerated in the Luna County Detention Center was served an additional warrant from Colorado for aggravated sexual battery.