DEMING - In a thrilling season filled with determination and skill, the Lady Wildcats of Deming High School have emerged as the undefeated champions of the district. With an impressive record, they are set to host the District Basketball Tournament Championship on Friday, March 1, 2024, marking a historic moment for the team and their devoted fans.
The championship game promises to be an intense showdown, with the Lady Wildcats facing off against the winner of Game 2 on Wednesday night. The excitement is palpable as the entire community eagerly awaits this monumental clash. The game is scheduled to commence at 6 pm, and doors will swing open for eager fans at 4:45 pm.
To witness this extraordinary event, fans are urged to secure their tickets in advance through Tickets are priced at $5.00 for all ages, ensuring that everyone can be a part of this unforgettable experience. Please note that no season passes will be accepted for this championship game, emphasizing the significance of this moment in Lady Wildcats history.
For those unable to attend in person, fret not! The championship game will be broadcasted live on AM 1230 KOTS, allowing fans to tune in and catch every heart-stopping moment. Additionally, the online stream will be available at, featuring the passionate commentary of none other than the voice of the Cats himself, Danny Rodriguez.
Let's come together as a community to support Lady Wildcat Basketball and witness the crowning of our District Champions!
The championship game promises to be an intense showdown, with the Lady Wildcats facing off against the winner of Game 2 on Wednesday night. The excitement is palpable as the entire community eagerly awaits this monumental clash. The game is scheduled to commence at 6 pm, and doors will swing open for eager fans at 4:45 pm.
To witness this extraordinary event, fans are urged to secure their tickets in advance through Tickets are priced at $5.00 for all ages, ensuring that everyone can be a part of this unforgettable experience. Please note that no season passes will be accepted for this championship game, emphasizing the significance of this moment in Lady Wildcats history.
For those unable to attend in person, fret not! The championship game will be broadcasted live on AM 1230 KOTS, allowing fans to tune in and catch every heart-stopping moment. Additionally, the online stream will be available at, featuring the passionate commentary of none other than the voice of the Cats himself, Danny Rodriguez.
Let's come together as a community to support Lady Wildcat Basketball and witness the crowning of our District Champions!